Unproductive Choices
I meditated at length on a dream I had yesterday when it finally hit me that I was seeing how we make unproductive choices without giving much thought to what we are doing. I won't go in detail about the dream but there was an act done that many do. The person I saw in the dream I personally did not know them to do it, so I had to look deeper. There was a point in my life I would have dismissed such a dream and questioned my thoughts, what I saw on TV, or what I was listening to prior to bedtime. This time it was different, something would not allow me to dismiss a potential clue. I read about this in the Old Testament but I was not reading then from the lens I read from now. And to cross reference I do see it in the New Testament. We have gifts, we have talents, we have purpose, we have opportunity, yet we remain unproductive. When we learn that answers lie within us we will be more careful to really understand what we are seeing and how it applies to us individu...